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You know Marty, you look so familiar

Hey George, heard you laid out Biff, nice going. Where the hell are they. Calvin, why do you keep calling me Calvin? It’s taken me almost thirty years and my entire family fortune to realize the vision of that day, my god has it been that long. Things have certainly changed around here. I remember when this was all farmland as far as the eye could see. Old man Peabody, owned all of this. He had this crazy idea about breeding pine trees. That’s him.
I’m gonna ram him. Give me a hand, Lorenzo. Ow, dammit, man, I sliced my hand. Well maybe you are and you just don’t know it yet. It works, ha ha ha ha, it works. I finally invent something that works. Mother, with Marty’s parents out of town, don’t you think he oughta spend the night, after all, Dad almost killed him with the car.
You know Marty, you look so familiar, do I know your mother? His head’s gone, it’s like it’s been erased. I hope you don’t mind but George asked if he could take me home. Whoa, whoa, okay. George, help me, please.
Marty. Marty. Marty. He’s a very strange young man. Yeah, I think maybe you do. I’m sure that in 1985, plutonium is available at every corner drug store, but in 1955, it’s a little hard to come by. Marty, I’m sorry, but I’m afraid you’re stuck here. Your not gonna be picking a fight, Dad, dad dad daddy-o. You’re coming to a rescue, right? Okay, let’s go over the plan again. 8:55, where are you gonna be.
Let’s get you into a radiation suit, we must prepare to reload. Sam, quit fiddling with that thing and come in here and eat your dinner. Uh, yeah. When could weathermen predict the weather, let alone the future. Hey.
Hey beat it, spook, this don’t concern you. The car, Dad, I mean He wrecked it, totaled it. I needed that car tomorrow night, Dad, I mean do you have any idea how important this was, do you have any clue? I don’t know, Doc, I guess she felt sorry for him cause her did hit him with the car, hit me with the car. No, it was The Enchantment Under The Sea Dance. Our first date. It was the night of that terrible thunderstorm, remember George? Your father kissed me for the very first time on that dance floor. It was then I realized I was going to spend the rest of my life with him. When could weathermen predict the weather, let alone the future.