And you and Lorraine live happily ever after

Most companies are looking to “wow” with their products, when in reality what they should be looking for is an “of course” reaction from their users.

– Christian LindholmRead more

If you put your mind to it you could accomplish anything

You don’t just walk into a store and ask for plutonium

You don’t just walk into a store and ask for plutonium

News, WordPress
In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Praesent congue magna ut lacus auctor, in pellentesque mi condimentum. Curabitur eget nisi non nibh sollicitudin elementum sit amet in elit. Proin congue eros ac ... Read more
See you all later, much later

See you all later, much later

Hey, hey, Doc, where are you? Actually, people call me Marty. Excuse me. Right, and where am I gonna be? No, no, George, look, it’s just an act, right? Okay, ... Read more
Look at my driver’s license – Expires 1987

Look at my driver’s license – Expires 1987

Aliquam elementum turpis quis vehicula dictum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nullam placerat ut dui sed egestas. Vivamus porttitor vulputate elit, eget ... Read more
So right around 9:00 she’s gonna get very angry with me

So right around 9:00 she’s gonna get very angry with me

Vestibulum mollis urna in elit blandit commodo. Integer egestas elit nec elit auctor placerat. Morbi eu leo eget neque imperdiet lobortis vitae non elit. Sed cursus interdum ornare. Pellentesque volutpat, ... Read more